The Palm Beach Historic Inn offers a large selection of convenient amenities. Our boutique hotel is nestled in the heart of Palm Beach, providing a great location one block from the beach, complimentary Wi-Fi, clean and comfortable rooms, fitness center privileges to a private gym, in-room spa treatments, beach towels, chairs, umbrellas and exceptional customer service. We provide you with the Palm Beach Town parking placards that cost $25 plus tax per day, where you will be able to park on the Ocean Ave (A1A), please advice these parking passes are first come, first serve. If lost or not returned, you will be charge the full amount of $1500 for these passes. There is also a pay parking garage two blocks away with unrestricted access for $27 per day. All our guest rooms are located on the Second Floor which is accessed by a staircase. There is NO ELEVATOR due to the historic nature of the Inn.